Our genetic library has been curated for over 20 years and continues to grow as we hunt new lines, searching for new tastes and experiences
Our company has over two decades of cannabis cultivation and solventless extraction experience. The deep-rooted history we each have with cannabis continually sparks the passion to farm and push our limits. As multi-generational farmers, this way of life was something we were born into and this is our legacy.
We have spent years collecting rare cuttings, hunting seeds, and breeding our own varietals. Click here to see a list of our choice cultivars, potential effects, and photos of our genetic lineup.
Living Soil harnesses the power of mother nature to produce some of the best organic cannabis on the planet. Like the fertility of an old growth redwood forest, we focus on cultivating a healthy and biodiverse soil which in turn feeds our plants. Using no-till practices, our soil beds were set up over 5 years ago and we continue to grow in that same soil today. By encouraging specific groups of soil microbes to populate our beds at certain times of the plant’s life cycle, and continual top mulching of our companion plants, the soil becomes alive and abundant for our plants to flourish and reach their maximum genetic potential.
Each cultivar has a unique window of time to be harvested. Miss the timing, and you miss it by a mile. We harvest using a method developed over the years to preserve terpenoid levels and avoid any kind of jetlag from an overly ripe flower. Folks have asked us why they do not experience “burn out” from our flower.…well, it’s all about timing.
We feel like this goes without saying, but hand trimming for the win!! We do not spend three months of our lives to spoil it at the finish line. There is no replacement for the skills of a seasoned trimmer and a sharp pair of scissors.
In our opinion, this is the most important step to our whole process. If done right, your flower should provide a smooth flavorful experience every time. We cure our flower at precise humidity and temperature ranges to ensure the best possible representation of a particular cultivar.